a sweet and sexy read

This was a really great read! Kade got dumped, his mates made him a Bucket List. What could go wrong? Well, nothing really, cos Kade meets Blake right near the top of that list, and Blake pushes Kade to make some changes to his life, to himself. But ONLY because Kade wants to make those changes, nothing is pushed onto him, bar the list. The situation with Kade’s ex unravels itself beautifully. It’s not all laid out for you, and the pieces and clues come in dribs and drabs at first but then when you see what’s coming, they come at you faster, I thought! It’s hot and steamy in places, but I didn’t think it got especially emotional, or I didn’t FEEL that emotion coming off the page. It’s well written, and well delivered. But only Kade has a say, and I think this could have been a 5 star read had Blake been given a voice, I really do. Still, a delightfully sexy, sweet story that passed a couple of hours on a quiet Sunday evening at work. 4 good solid stars