I was gifted my copy of this book direct from the author, that I write a review was not required. This landed in my queue at JUST the right time! I had just finished a heavy long book, and the one after this was gonna be a hard read too so, finding this little gem in the middle of those two books was perfect! Dalton is in town to "sort out the crime problem" which eans sort out the town bully who thinks he can run roughshod over everyone and everything, even a brand new rail road track! He's done this sort of thing before, he knows how it will end. Lacy works in the hotel, and Dalton catches her eye on his first ride through town. Sparks fly, even across the road from each other, but Dalton has a job to do, and will be leaving town, so Lacy can't get close. Can she? Like I said, this landed right where I needed it to, and I really enjoyed it! It's a bit vague on an exact timeline, but after the Civil War in the States, so maybe very late 18oo/early 1900s but that's neither here or there, you can piece together a rough idea, from the information given, or at least I did. Dalton and Lacy both have a say, and their attraction to each other is powerful, right from the start. It is, however, fairly clean because of the time it's set and all the rules and regulations regarding young ladies and how they should behave. There is, though, plenty steam and passion! The bully is dealt with in a way that was fairly inevitable but with just enough surprises to make it a bit of a shocker too. It was fun watching these two fall for each other, and the way they resloved Dalton's inability to settle and Lacy;s desire to travel was just perfect. A absolute please to read, thank you, Ms Camp, for my copy. 4 solid stars **same worded review will appear elesewhere**