a very fitting end x

I was gifted my copy of this book, direct from the author, that I write a review was not required. But since I read and reviewed the other two parts, it's only fitting I review this one, too, don't you think?? This is the third and final book in the Escape trilogy and you rally MUST read the other two books first. You need to know how Edmund and Andrew found themselves in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, looking for an Elder! Only Andrew has a say in these books, and THIS one, more than the other two, I NEEDED Edmund I really did! Some things happen here, that made me want to hear what he had to say, so bloody bad and he doesn't. I KNEW that he probably would not have a say, but a girl can hope, right? Edmund and Andrew and their friends are on a boat to England and to find the Elder. Once the Elder has located and Edmund turned, they continue on to visit Edmund's sick mother. The "friend" looking after her is vile and dealing with her and the gifts the Elder has bestowed upon him, pushes Edmund to his limits. Then WHY the Elder gave Edmund these gifts becomes clear and Edmund has a choice: Andrew or the Elder. I found this one a little less sexy than the others, but a whole lot more bloody! The way Edmund deals with the friend was scary, but needed I think. The Elder? Well he choose his path, once it became clear that there is, and there will only ever be, ONE person for Edmund. I did not see what the "friend" was up to, looking after Edmund's mother, nor did I see what the Elder had planned fro Edmund, so it was nice to be surprised by those things. I LOVED the epilogue! Seriously well played with that one! I have enjoyed these three short bursts of Andrew and Edmund, but I really think had Edmund been given a voice too, these would have been all 5 star reads. Thank you, for letting me read your books, Ms Dobie Bauer! 4 solid stars **same worded review will appear elsewhere**