great box set!

Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book. These stories are only short, 9 stories across 164 pages, but they are so delicious! I can't say there was a stand out MOST favourite, because they are all really good. Very well written, in a variety of tenses, in the first and third, from lots of different characters. There is no connection between the stories, save the same author and they are lesbian erotica. Some are really sweet, some more hard core. Some are just about the sex, and some have a more romantic feel to them. I read them all, which for a box set, is unusual for me! But there was one that stood out as my LEAST favourite. It's written from the main character's point of view in the first person. But when she talks about her partner, she uses YOU. So it's written using the second person. I find it a really difficult way to read a book, sorry! It doesn't affect my rating, but I felt the need to mention it, and you know I'm all about the feelings! Apart from that one, they are all really good. I find myself wanting to read more by Ms Reston, something longer, with more pages to lose myself into! Having had a run of male/male romances, this landed right in the queue at just the right time! 4 solid stars **same worded review will appear elsewhere**