short and so deliciously sweet!

The Botanist: Short Story - Claire Smith, Hot Tree Editing, Dahlia Donovan
I was gifted my copy of this book direct from the author, that I write a review was not required. This is book 2.5 in the Sin Bin series, but you don't need to have read book one, The Wanderer, and book two, The Caretaker, to follow this one. BUT! You should. Not least of which they are both 5 star reads, but because I said SO!! US Navy Seal Wyatt is sent on a mission jointly with the Royal Marines and rescues Aled, a botanist caught in the cross fire of a drug smuggling ring, and has been tortured. Wyatt finds himself at odds with his career and his feelings for the young man. Aled relishes the calls and texts from Wyatt, but are his feelings real, or just a PTSD symptom?? I LURVE this one!! Its oh so deliciously; short and sweet, and a huge helping of warm and fuzzies! Ms Donovan does short and sweet so well! Oh, don't get me wrong, the longer books are great and fab and have that cute/fuzzies feeling but the short ones seem to carry it so much more! What I particularly liked about this book, is what's NOT here, it's what is missing. It is almost clean. Bar one scene at the end, there is no sex! And if you follow my reviews, you'll know I do prefer my books, male/male ones especially, on the more explicit side. So, for me to say that I really REALLY loved it, well, says something! AND OH!!!! I just remembered! I said the exact same thing in Ms Donovan's very FIRST book, Ivy! Full circle, we've come full circle. Some of the other guys in the series are mentioned, and we meet some new ones. Hamish, especially, he is the lead Royal Marine and has his story next, book 3, The Royal Marine. Short and sweet, too stinking cute AND warm and fuzzies, cos let me tell ya, they are not the same thing! 5 full stars **same worded review will appear elsewhere**