cute holiday read.

Holiday House Swap - Sarah Madison
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.
Noah leaves his isolated cabin, and swaps a house for the Christmas period, in an effort to jump start his writer's block and give him the necessary push to decide what to do about using his friend as the face of his pen name. A mix up means the house is not empty, and Connor is home for good after facing an agonizing choice: retire on full pension, or face a court marshall, for an unauthorised mission to rescue a team member. Can Noah and Connor get on enough to share the massive house??
I'm not usually one for Christmas stories. When this was sent to me to ask did I want to read it, it came without a title, so I had no idea it would be a Christmas story but this one is just based around that time; there isn't much emphasis on the Christmas bit and I rather enjoyed it!
Noah has a sharp tongue and a witty mind, that sometimes moves at rocket speed and I struggled to keep up. Not a bad thing, though. Just meant I had to slow down me skim reading! I loved how his mind worked, not just for himself, but for Connor too, and how Noah pulled everyone from around Connor together, to make Connor see just what he really needed to do to keep the house and the horses.
I loved how Noah was fully aware of his friend, Julie and her predicament, being the name and face of Noah's series. Knowing he needs to release Julie is part of his reason for leaving the cabin in the first place.
I can't say what I thought of Connor, because its all Noah. Yes I KNOW I say it often enough to annoy even myself but I really did need Connor to have a say. I needed to know what was going through his mind when he mounted that rescue mission. When he came face to face with the rescuee (is that a word??) When he decided to make some sort of go of it with Noah.
Had we had Connor too, I have no doubt that this would have been a five star read. But we didn't, so...
4 stars
**same worded review will appear elsewhere**